If you’re like us, you use PRTs but not so much that you want to purchase a dedicated PRT thermometer when you have a perfectly capable DMM that will measure resistance for you.
Well, today’s your lucky day. We deciphered the ITS-90 reference and deviation equations for you and put a couple of subranges into spreadsheets. Well . . . OK . . . we put the subranges that WE use into the spreadsheets. There are two files: one is an Excel spreadsheet, the other is a ZIP file that contains a Numbers template. We use Apple computers and Numbers is our primary spreadsheet. We do recognize that 99.99% of the industrial/business community uses Windows and Excel, so we figured this would only be a help to everyone if we made an Excel spreadsheet that they/you could use.
Need a different range? Let us know and we’ll see what we can do. Find an error or omission? Let us know about that, too.